Betbotpro for Betfair User Manual - Streaming API
  May 2024
  • Support


If you need any help or come across any bugs or problems please email us directly.
We prefer email and if you have an issue please send a debug report of the problem.
There are two parts to a debug report. Screenshot & Bot files.
1.) Take a Screenshot of the bot fault or issue, and the settings so we can see the issue.
2.) You can do this by pressing Ctrl or Alt & Print Screen PrtScn keys at the same time to copy the desktop/window, then paste it to word or paint and send to us. There are also snip programs in windows as well as other available screengrab software.
3.) When creating a debug package the software will also take a screenshot.
4.) Go to Tools Menu and click Create Debug Package. This will create a zipped folder.
Attach both/all to an email and send to us with a description outlining the problem.
Email: support at betbotpro dot com
Check the FAQ and Videos:
To your success
BBP Team
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